[./Sermons in English - mp3/Sermons by ds. K. Veldman]
(.) 2013 - 2014 Springford Reformed Church(.) 2015 - 2016 Springford Reformed Church(.) 2017 - 2018 Springford Reformed Church(.) 2019 - 2020 Springford Reformed Church(.) Reformed Catechism of Heidelberg 2017(.) Reformed Catechism of Heidelberg 2019(.) Reformed Synode of Dordrecht NL(.) Series on the Letter to the Galatians..A Black Background for the Light of Grace, the reprobate and the chosen.mp3A Heresy and its Antidote.mp3A Ministering King.mp3A National Revival.mp3A New Heart Will I Give You.mp3A Shepherd Becomes a Sheep.mp3A weak Church denying the Power of Godliness.mp3Abels Witness.mp3Ables Faith.mp3An Eternal Inheritance.mp3Blessing in Solomons Prayer.mp3Christs ministry -- He washed His disciples feet.mp3Circumcision and Baptism - The Foreshadows and Aftershadows of the Lord Jesus.mp3Communion Between Christ and the Church.mp3Encouraging Promises.mp3Faith and Regeneration - What is first.mp3Faith in Jesus Christ.mp3He Abideth Faithful.mp3How God reveals Himself in creation, conscience, and His word.mp3I Am the Door.mp3Jesus led away to the high priest.mp3Jonathan's talk to his Armorbearer.mp3King Saul.mp3Light Shining in Darkness.mp3Love, Faith, and Joy.mp3No Condemnation to Them Which Are in Christ Jesus.mp3Oh Lord, I Am Oppressed, Undertake For Me.mp3Paul exhorting Titus.mp3Pentecost Sermon.mp3Principles for the Ministry.mp3Solomons Prayer.mp3The Coming of the Lord Jesus in the Soul.mp3The Eyes of Two Blind Men Opened.mp3The High Preistly Prayer.mp3The Lords Supper is to Be Compared to the Old Testement Thanksgiving Sacrifice.mp3The Parable of the Great Banquet (Lords Supper).mp3The Parable of the Samaritan.mp3The Parable of the Wedding Feast - Preparatory.mp3The Reason for Christs Acension and Return.mp3The Remembrance of the sufferings of Christ -- A comfort to Gods people.mp3The Righteousness of Faith.mp3The Savior forsaken that those who deserve to be forsaken may have communion.mp3The Use or the True Knowledge of the Law.mp3The Woman with an Issue of Blood.mp3The Word Preached and Applied.mp3The new man contrasted with the old man.mp3The unbelieving disciples rebuked and sent to preach the gospel.mp3Through Faith He Kept the Passover.mp3